After almost a year adding features and fixing bugs, the LibrePilot team is very pleased to make
16.09 RC2 available to you. Some things still need to be fixed but it’s ready for widespread testing.
This is the second LibrePilot release, second release candidate.
A release candidate (RC) is a beta version with potential to be a final product, which is ready to release unless significant bugs emerge.
Since RC1 we've fixed the spurious "unsaved change will be lost" given when switching configuration tabs. Some of the tabs would give you the warning even if you hadn't changed anything. If you still get the warning when nothing was changed please let us know in this thread.
Another visible change is that the oplink tab is now always displayed even if an oplink isn't connected.
Known issues:
- [LP-289] - pidcontrol ne and down have nan dz if kp is zero
- [LP-303] - GCS menus broken when in full screen mode
- [LP-397] - ModelView misbehaving on MacOSX
- [LP-402] - GCS message - Invalid value for "Running"
- [LP-408] - No serial telemetry without OPLink
- [LP-421] - GCS setup wizard welcome panel is too big on high dpi screens
The full list of bug fixes and enhancements in this release is available at RC2 Installers are available at need to “Upgrade&Erase” the board first - many UAVO have changed since release 15.09, and failure to follow this step will lead to problems!
Local templates (Tools->Export/Import Vehicle Template) can be used to backup important settings before you upgrade GCS and restore them after the upgrade.
Please report any issues first in this thread in this forum including detailed steps to reproduce the problem.
Make sure you keep safety at the forefront at all times: this is a release candidate that needs testing, not a final release.
New Hardware support:
- Sparky2 board
- Auxiliary Magnetometer: I2C and Naza GPS
- Revo FlexiIO port usage e.g. PPM+GPS
New input modes:
- Jeti Ex.Bus
- Graupner Hott
- FlySky IBus
- PPM up to 16 channels
- OpenLRS support for Revolution using internal radio module (no external receiver)
New telemetry protocols:
- MSP, MAVLink. OSD devices that use those protocols may now be connected directly (e.g.: minimosd with MWOSD).
New Flight oriented features:
- AlwaysStabilizeWhenArmed (Airmode) using switch
- Oneshot42/Multishot
- Measurement based D term gives smoother flight
- SuperExpo, you may need half expo value compared to rel15.09
- Camera tilt compensation
- Lower CPU load for CC3D
- Autotune is back
GCS improvements:
- PFD with terrain / OsgEarth improvements
- Failsafe settings using GUI
- Vehicle and Transmitter wizard improvements