No. It is just an example. It is probably all personal feelings. I started with big powerful quad which could lift 5x100 w LED at night to shoot interesting video. I required GPS and all stuff to fix position or fly by way points. Apparently, there is still no reliable system (in DIY world) which can do it without occasional fault. Everyone claim that they can do it, but they could not. I started testing GPS and mags on smaller quads, then tried FPV. First, I thought that if I will have good position hold and velocity roam I could learn FPV easier - wrong thought! I end up flying 250 without GPS and mag, first in attitude, then in rate mode. An now I am flying X210 with RS2205 2600kv with 5045x3 dal props that weight just 430 g with 1800 mAh battery. This beast hover at 23% throttle and fly over 15 min on single battery. I am still learning, but I fly only rate in aggressive settings and enjoy it a lot. Although I probably enjoy more assembling new quads and testing different features. Unfortunately, it is probably too late for me to learn modern programming (I used to like it in 70s and 80s, but it is different world now). Any way, try to assemble small powerful quad and fly it FPV - you will get a feeling.