I had auxmag in this place are good? Wait your answer for test..
Unlikely, it may still be too close to magnetic interference, also you should
not stick your electronics to carbon-fiber as carbon-fiber IS conductive.
Things like:
- Current switching components/regulators
- Motors
- Wires conducting large current
Electronics produce magnetic field that is stronger than static earth magnetic field (which you want to detect). Also electronics produce magnetic field is dynamic/changes with current so hard to filter out.
These field will interfere with your magnetometer, as when you start motors, magnetic field produced by those components may be changing.
Best location is in GPS unit, far from above mentioned components.
Additionally you can twist wires to redirect magnetic field. Imagine wire running horizontally, if you use "right-hand" rule and point with the thumb the direction of current flow, then your hand around wire is magnetic field (see attached picture).
If you twist your wires, magnetic field will be redirected, and "flattened" in the direction where wire is going (see second picture found).
It is not possible to isolate from magnetic field, no magic voodoo nu-metal thing. What nu-metal does is it also redirects magnetic field. The only real isolation possible is with 2-3 meters of concrete wall, which you can't really use in quad-copter.