have only done the one maiden flight of about 6 minutes with a 3S 2200mah batt.
I have been flying multirotors and have been doing CP helis for a while now, so the quick response is ok, mostly referring to the yaw, i like a snappy yaw. I fly something pretty much everyday. Mostly the nano RTF drones I have specialized in (DIY mods), and my F450, and a 300, oh and the helis offcourse. which are man at me right now because I am flying multis too much LOL! This is is my first 250 racer. The motors are DYS 1806-2300kv, and had plenty of punch-out power on 3S. 4S must be wild!
Ran out of daylite today, so no more test flites till tomorrow.

need to go over manual about different flight modes with this CC3D
but what I would like to have is
0- self-leveling
1- acro/self leveling mix (SL at center stick only, if that is possible)
2- acro
also I would like to have motor arm on the hold switch on DX8
i have gotten used to the hold switch flying helis
here are the settings so far