f5soh: What do you think about the inverted falling incidents that you know of, where CruiseControl was active?
User Stopping motors allow it to fall, speed up, and tumble. 3 seconds of fall would get it fast enough to require high motor speed to recover from stalled props. Reversed stabilization (spinning prop is more drag than slower prop) keeps it falling inverted and motors never get very fast (as discussed earlier in thread)? It would be a self levelling mode for the control reversal to keep it inverted.
Assuming you can recover in Rate mode no CC, I think that Attitude with CC would be the only one that would not let you recover. Rattitude is Rate at full stick.
Of course stalled props would cause problems in any mode but at least you would have control over the thrust (default settings hold thrust at 5% when using CC and inverted).
I just thought of a way to test this (without a wind tunnel).
Use Rotate Virtual to rotate level hover into a 90 degree roll bank. Mount quad very strongly on a long broom handle. Set pitch and yaw PIDs to zero. Motors off. Hold it out the car window so that FC considers it inverted and airflow is same as falling inverted. Accelerate car to desired speed. Start quad motors.