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Firmware General / Re: USB connect not working
« Last post by trust on March 22, 2025, 06:33:31 pm »
I dont check in here often either. Its a shame, librepilot is actually great and tremendously useful software.
No, it was the normal USB connection into the flight controller.
As it turns out, the Norton Antivirus software on my field laptop just would not stop blocking, no matter what settings I tried, despite spending several hours on the phone with Norton. As it doesnt have a normal connection to the internet anyway, I ended up deleting the Norton software, and then things worked fine. There's always Microsofts antivirus built in anyway. My other laptop it does work with the settings I described. Not sure why the other one doesnt work.
Chinese / 大家好,我又回来了
« Last post by xfce on February 09, 2025, 09:54:51 am »

revonano, gpsv9,oplink,准备搞起来,需要的可以留言或者私信我啊 ;D 
Firmware General / Re: USB connect not working - fixed
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on January 25, 2025, 04:38:10 am »
Glad you got it fixed and sorry to be so late.
I dont come by here very often any more and when I did a few days ago my mouse was broken so I only had a keyboard tab key for navigation.
I this an OpLink you were talking about?  :)
Firmware General / Re: USB connect not working - fixed
« Last post by trust on January 17, 2025, 05:54:37 am »
I "fixed" it. It WAS the Norton 360 antivirus software. Apparently a new release blocked librepilot. I manually set an app permission for the librepilot .exe file which changed 3 settings - Ransomware protection - do nothing, Safecam - allowed, browser data protection - do nothing. If you set all 3 to do nothing, it doesnt seem to want to save the rule!! But this worked - PROVIDED - that i plus in the USB FIRST, let it go through its connection beeps, THEN start librepilot.
Firmware General / USB connect not working
« Last post by trust on January 17, 2025, 02:03:35 am »
For years this has worked fine, now suddenly today it no longer seems to connect - I dont see the red and green bars in the UI. I hear the connect bleeps, and something indicates USB is connected. But it is not communicating.
I tried two different computers and two different planes and two different USB cables. None now work.
I plugged in USB drives and they work fine.
Has there been some change in antivirus that might stop this?
Norton on my main machine complained about the code, but I added an exception and now its allowed. But it still doesnt communicate. Any tips to track this down?
Hardware / Re: SRXL2
« Last post by trust on July 31, 2024, 08:08:27 am »
You forget I did all this work to modify Librepilot to support our bimode wings! We've built many more in the last year, some 15 machines, all 3D printed, including 2 EDFs and two Nano scale versions.
I suppose I could port the SRXL2 protocol, but I was hoping it already did it.
I've been happy with the S.bus - it seems to still be supported on a wide variety of receivers. Too bad the OrangeRx versions aren't being made any more, many had s.bus outputs.
 I love my TX16s - it supports so many different protocols - seems to be very reliable, and plenty of range. They are so inexpensive too, we'll probably just buy him one, or he'll just recycle his old receivers. There's only so many planes you can fly at once!
Hardware / Re: SRXL2
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on July 11, 2024, 11:59:42 am »
A quick scan of the source code shows SRXL, but not SRXL2.

In case this helps, you mention the transmitter in regard to this.  I see that SRXL2 is indeed a receiver output protocol, but if you are mainly interested in using the transmitter, perhaps you can use a different receiver that outputs something that LP can use.

If I might suggest, it looks like Ardupilot supports SRXL2.  Ardupilot seems more actively developed than LibrePilot  :( .

Ardupilot says: "All Spektrum receivers released since August 2019 only support the SRXL2 protocol."
I would add that any receiver that you can plug a set of standard (analog or digital) servos into supports PWM (the standard, one servo per wire protocol), which LP does support as long as your receiver has a set of servo (PWM) outputs, and your flight controller has a set of PWM inputs.
Hardware / SRXL2
« Last post by trust on July 07, 2024, 10:01:46 pm »
Is there support for this serial protocol? I see SRXL, but my understanding is that SRXL2 is different.
Im running out of options for my friends Spektrum xmtr to interface to the flite cntlrs.
There are no more sources for S.bus format, which is what I usually use.
Firmware General / Re: Remapping of Main Port of Revo
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on April 24, 2024, 04:43:20 am »
The hardware (Revo) can do it on MainPort.  I have several set up (LibrePilot firmware) that exact way.  I greatly suspect that the Ardupilot firmware can do it, but you would need to ask this in an Ardupilot forum.
Firmware General / Remapping of Main Port of Revo
« Last post by wcfung on March 21, 2024, 10:33:24 pm »
I have been flashing several Revolution (regular, not mini) with Ardupilot firmware and running without much problem. Now I want to connect a Jumper R8 receiver to Revolution which has been flashed with Ardupilot firmware. The RC output from the R8 is S Bus. The manual of Revo says the Main Port can accept S Bus, among other protocols.

1) Do I have to re-map the Main port to accept S Bus ?
2) How can I do the re-mapping when Revo is now running Ardupilot fw , not the original firmware ?

Thank you for yr help.
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