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My voltage readings are OK at low amps.

I am not able to get consistent low current readings either, even with trimming the zero current.  It changes with the day or the battery.

Do you use the BEC built into the current/voltage sensor to power the FC?

How much max current in your vehicle and what gauge power wires?

Applications - Autonomous Flight / Re: Voltage / Current Sensor Ground Issues
« Last post by karla on June 22, 2022, 03:48:29 am »
I usually have problems with inaccurate Amp readings but the Voltage normally okay.
Applications - Autonomous Flight / Voltage / Current Sensor Ground Issues
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on June 22, 2022, 12:40:18 am »
I have calibrated and tested my voltage / current sensor on the bench.  When I run the bench power supply variable voltage up and down, telemetry agrees with the voltage.  When I fly it (a 40 amp max total draw quad) the voltage is invalid.  I shows about 8 volts from a 12 volt pack.  I know this is wrong because my lipo alarm acts normally and does not come on till later in the flight when it should.

This is a cheap 90A sensor.  The power wires are 16 AWG which is too small.  That's one issue, but probably not the cause.

The sensor board has a BEC but I am not using it, so I presume I am getting a difference in ground between the FC where the ADC is (powered by ESCs BEC at the end of the power wires) and sensor board that is on the power wires closer to the battery.

Is this a standard problem?

I suppose I could use the sensor's BEC and disconnect both ground and +5V from the ESCs.

I am thinking of coding a current to voltage factor into the sensor flight code.  I think that would fix the issue too.
GCS General / Re: Saving PFD gadget to mpeg file..
« Last post by Marico on June 21, 2022, 02:15:29 pm »
I would bet that it is quite possible, especially in Linux.  I haven't ever done it though.  Maybe someone else can jump in here...

Yes, I forget say that I need this in Linux. 

Of course you could do a screen / desktop record.  The one I use allows full screen, window, or even a user defined rectangle as I recall.  I know, I would want to capture it more directly if I were doing it too.

I know but if it is possible in "native" way (gstreamer script?) It would be much better.
GCS General / Re: Saving PFD gadget to mpeg file..
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on June 21, 2022, 12:23:51 pm »
I would bet that it is quite possible, especially in Linux.  I haven't ever done it though.  Maybe someone else can jump in here...

Of course you could do a screen / desktop record.  The one I use allows full screen, window, or even a user defined rectangle as I recall.  I know, I would want to capture it more directly if I were doing it too.
GCS General / Saving PFD gadget to mpeg file..
« Last post by Marico on June 21, 2022, 10:14:17 am »
is it possible to save PFD gadget animation with black background (during log playback) to a high resolution mpeg file? I need it for post process video editing/merging  with high resolution videos.  I read "New gadget" thread but it covers only mixing video input (USB camera etc) with PFD, not saving only PFD to a file....
Applications - Autonomous Flight / Re: homeleash cause a config error
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on June 20, 2022, 07:56:41 pm »
I'm using a 16.09+r782-g8c101ad on win 10 laptop. Now i'm working on a Debian 11 computer and can't do any trial.
+r782 is a recent "next".  If you are up to a bit of configuring, you can get the latest next (r796, maybe higher since we are actively updating next to make it easier to build) to build on Linux.  Ubuntu is the #1 target, so Debian should also work.

Some links leading up to building from source code.  Warning: This may or may not go smoothly.  You may need to find some correct package versions or use the ones supplied in your system update function.

I will look for a location where drone can move around freely. The gps position move on the map (google satellite is not displayed) more than 20 meters around even if it is steady on the ground. I suppose my gps is a fake M8n.
All GPSs do that (drift 20 meters randomly all over) when sitting stationary on the ground.  That is the picture that a PositionHold hover will make when hovering for that time.  That is a good visual image of why you cannot trust GPS to stay exactly in the same place except for short times and why you must give a large safety zone when making waypoint flights that are low enough to hit things (example: trees).

Actually, the picture when sitting stationary on the ground is the inverse of the picture that PositionHold hover will make when hovering for that time.  If the stationary GPS position drifts north, the drone will fly south so that it keeps the same numeric coordinates.
General Discussion / Re: Dshot instability in 16.09+r782?
« Last post by TheOtherCliff on June 20, 2022, 07:34:55 pm »
If motors increased speed when you banked, then it sounds like CruiseControl was directly or indirectly (through some flight modes or thrust modes) being used.

You say that on Manual thrust mode it now flies a long way without gaining or loosing altitude.  On Manual thrust mode, if you hover and find the throttle for that, then when you bank away (say bank angle 30 degrees or more) and keep the bank angle it will loose altitude and you will have to add a little throttle.  Maybe your bank angle is very small because you are flying gently, not zooming away fast?  Oh well, good to know you have it set where you like it now.  :)
Applications - Autonomous Flight / Re: homeleash cause a config error
« Last post by supermax on June 20, 2022, 12:07:58 pm »
Thank you very much for your detailed answer!
I'm using a 16.09+r782-g8c101ad on win 10 laptop. Now i'm working on a Debian 11 computer and can't do any trial.
I will look for a location where drone can move around freely. The gps position move on the map (google satellite is not displayed) more than 20 meters around even if it is steady on the ground. I suppose my gps is a fake M8n.
As soon as possible i will post the results of my trials.

General Discussion / Re: Dshot instability in 16.09+r782?
« Last post by Marico on June 20, 2022, 11:16:03 am »
When hovering or flying level and then you bank fairly steeply, you (using Manual thrust) or the FC (when you have it configured to use CruiseControl) must increase the throttle, or the quad will loose altitude.

On the previous config setup I always had to *reduce* throttle because of climbing during banks (motors significantly increased speed) . I can't get rid of that and I just used to reduce the throttle. Now it was very surprising for me that quad perfectly maintains the same altitude  during banks without touching the throttle. In the previous setup I tried flying with CruiseControl  which a bit reduced that climbing but not much. But to maintain the stable altitude I had to use AltitudeVario or AltitudeHold mode. Now altitude is stable in manual throttle mode without any GPS modes in fly mode switch settings (only INS13 is selected in attitude estimation algo). I'll test it further, l wonder if in basic (complementary) mode is the same. Of course the previous setup has differ props (5x3x3, now 5x4.9x3) and motors (2204, now 2207) but I doubt this had such impact for altitude stability.

When you bank steeply, with no throttle stick change, can you actually hear the motors spin faster at the steep bank angle?

No, I can't.  Now they are "quiet", no audible changes in motor rotation. Quad just gently banks and fly on the same altitude for long distance (as far I can see to safe control it). In the  previous setup there was audible increase od rotation and quad increased altitude.
To be honest I'am very happy with this now but still wonder which settings (or hardware change) had impact on it.

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