Ok. Tested. Yes, it fixed the bat capacity issue. Now if I plug in everything except the batt1, it reads 1 cell and 0V. Plug in batt1 and it rises up to 3.94V, and the capacity goes up to 81%. Good!
But it still only reads 1 cell.
Reversing the order, plugging in batt1, then the cam/xmtr, then the fc+OPOSD+, it starts at 4cells and 15+V, then ramps down to 3.94V, plus capacity goes to about 2%, but num_cells stays 4.
I did have another weird issue. I had changed the voltage divider value, the bat capacity value to 2200 and the warning level to 3.0 in previous versions. I did a read OSD of the device, then tried changing the batt warning value in the config tool. I enter 3.5, hit enter, and the config tool crashes and goes away. I note also there were some odd values on the current items in the GUI.
I restarted the config tool, then manually reentered all the values BEFORE doing anything to the device, then hit write. Then everything was ok, and now the battery low warning is gone.