@trust, I guess I've found what causes your issue! Or, at least, I've found a flaw in the code...

If OSD is configured to monitor Voltage
AND CURRENT, both sensors connected to MinimOSD board directly, the readings would be probably unstable.
This is caused by an "improvement" (attempted to widen the acceptable voltage range coming from current sensors) I had made when I first started to tackle with MinOPOSD code (and Arduino at all - year 2016

). Actually, I've never used
current sensor connected to OSD, so I've never realized there is a problem there...
In short, the suggestion is that
the issue lays in switching analogReference from
INTERNAL (1.1V) to
DEFAULT (5V) and vice-versa between immediate consecutive
analogRead (for voltage and current). This is possible, but few extra dummy ADC reads after each
analogReference change are required.
https://www.arduino.cc/reference/en/language/functions/analog-io/analogreference/Notes and Warnings
After changing the analog reference, the first few readings from analogRead() may not be accurate.
I'm going to correct this and update the sources on github.
Meanwhile, setting (in MinOPOSD JDL Config tool) the
Current Sensor Amps Per Volt to
0.00 should fix the issue for you.
In any case,
when no current sensor is connected to OSD, it is advisable to set the Current Sensor Amps Per Volt to 0.00.
Btw, did the charset upload succeed with these MicroMinimOSD boards?