The rcvr antenna is oriented at 90 degrees to the xmtr
For linear antennas outside of near field effects (us at say 10 meters or more and away from clutter, normal flying) they should be oriented to be parallel for best reception.

Antenna that came with OPLINK
In the beginning, OpLinks and Revos came with a T wire dipole. They now come with "Small, cheap wire coil style" which is what I think these are.
Your medium length antenna might be a loaded antenna instead of the standard cheap simple coil antenna, but every 433 that looked like that that I have cut open (only 2) has been a coil antenna in the bottom of the bottom and the rest of the antenna empty.

The many different coil antenna case styles I have tried have varied from really bad to usable for local flying. All my quads use the cheap coil type antenna for telemetry, but they aren't long range aircraft. My fixed wing all use Retevis' whether they need it or not.

For a test that is perhaps more like a range test set both ground and air to lowest power. Try to find a place in the house for the air where it does not connect. You may have to go outside. Find a max range place for that set of antennas. Now change either antenna and try again. I bet your best range is with 2 Retevis', by far.

By my recollection I got 200+ meters outside at 1.6mW through trees and houses with a pair of Retevis' vertical / parallel at 1m (base) and 2m (hand carried airplane) off the ground.