Thanks guys,
I can't use Rattitude or Attitude until I get this sorted out. I have been avoiding the problem for months happily tuning in Rate.
I have been using the graphics in Firmware or Flight Data to see if it is upright and the horizon does the right stuff when I bank or dive. When the graphic wasn't right I changed directions in System / Accelgyrosettings / Accel_scale and Gyro_scale to get the swash to react correctly and I could fly.
I went to the soccer field today, home position for my GPS, and got the Magnetometer Calibrated with my laptop 10 feet away from my heli, thanks to OPlink. I do not need to repeat Mag Calibration ever, right? Just like sensor delta temp no need to re-calibrate them, right?
I can change Acclerometer, Gyrometer and Board Level without affecting the Magnetometer parameters, correct?
It was too windy to fly anything today anyway.