UPDATE on the GPS and OPlink enabled Nano Revolution:
OPlink works. I am just waiting for snow to clear from soccer field to calibrate. And to get time from work--how come is that? I am supposed to be retired!
I have calibration questions that I hope are addressed in the middle of the pitch by wireless calibration.
I removed the controller from the heli to start over with attitude calibration because the graphic in Configuration / Flight Data or Firmware shows the heli upside-down. Then I calibrate. But I notice that a couple of my axes are reversed--usually roll and yaw. When I tried correcting this situation by changing the sign on the individual axes in System / Settings / AccelGyroSettings / Accel_scale and Gyro_scale things get uglier. The graphics flip to inverted again.
I have gone to fly and found that a couple of axes were reversed, RUDELY one time when it scraped the tips. I reverse the Axes in System / Settings / AccelGyrosettings. It flies fine in "Rate" even if the graphics are inverted. Don't try "Rattiude" or "Attitude" though because it will want to tip.
I have tried/am trying different orientations in Configuration / Attitude / Settings / Board orientation. 180 correction on roll --upside down and -90,0, 90 & 180 corrections on yaw.
My board is upside down and the USB plug in on the right (starboard) side just like the board in attached drawing nose to the right looking down on it and USB plug aimed down.
Maybe I get time today to calibrate. Wish me luck.
What roll, pitch , and yaw orientation numbers should I use?
Thank you good people.