EDIT: Please disregard this question. I have figured out I skipped the swash plate leveling procedure. That sets the servo travel, min and max. Skipping this step will leave your travel setting at zero.
Dave, I'm following along, your instructions are good. THX for putting them together. Everything seems to be OK until I get to the outputs. I'm using a Turnigy 9XR PRO with the OrangeRX module and RX. It is TAER. I have the HK250 with the HK FBL.
I have followed your directions and it makes sense to me. Thank you for that. I have setup from scratch twice and used your .uav file and I'm arriving at the same results. The problem is the servos and speed control do not respond the TX, but they do respond to the gyro/accelerometers.
I don’t understand this:
…I go to the Configuration, Output, Bank Channels and set this: 1(1-3) 330Hz PWM, 2(4) 330Hz PWM, 3(4,7-8) 50Hz PWM. Then in the Min and Max I set Chan 1,2,3 at (Min: 1450, Max: 1550), 4 at (Min: 700, Max: 800), 5 at (Min: 1200, Max: 1300). Once this is done, I hit save…
Why are you limiting the usec like that?
I’m using Turnigy TGY-213C servos on the swash plate. They are 1520/330 Mhz 900us – 2100us. The tail servo is a Futaba S3153, I’m not entirely sure about the frequency, but I have read the counter clockwise/pulse traveling is 1520-1900usec and the 45 Deg. one side pulse traveling is 400usec. It is a 60 degree servo so I think it is a 1000 to 2000us servo.
I was able to get some control movement out of your .uav file, but the controls were incorrect. By the time I got it edited none of the controls worked. I a bit lost, any idea?