New Release "Within the next several months"
« on: June 08, 2022, 10:01:37 am »
We will be making a new release sometime later this year.  We think it will be in the next few months, but you know how predicting release dates goes...  ;)

Name of release as yet to be determined (Lazarus comes to mind ::) ).

This release will be mainly what is in "next r796" plus ???   That is 796 groups of changed files.  Now a chunk of those 796 are probably of the "good but unimportant to me" variety, but there are interesting new features in there too.

Our first two tasks are determining what gets included in the release and getting the code building under current operating systems.  When more information becomes available, we will post here.

We could use some help testing, and of course any old (or new) developers would help too.

I post this here in General Discussion because I suspect the "Project" "News" area is restricted and I want users to be able to add to this thread.

Please feel free to post here with your thoughts and support.  We need to get an idea of how many are around to help with testing.  I would be happy to see this thread get full of "Hey! I'm here and about !*$^#%@ time!' and need to start a restricted thread for when someone wants just release news.


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Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2022, 04:38:44 am »
Hey! Good idea, I am here and ready to test  :)

Have two helis, two fixed wings, a speed boat, a car all running Librepilot 16.09+r782.
Mostly using the helis nowadays.

Also using the corresponding Libre2Go APP on Android, hope this could work with the new release as well.

Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2022, 07:38:59 am »
Also using the corresponding Libre2Go APP on Android, hope this could work with the new release as well.
We don't have a developer that is familar with LP2Go / Libre2Go although it's my understanding that the main task is just creating a new UAV file that has the new UAVO numbers and maybe the structure of each UAVO.  That shouldn't be too hard... ?

Am I understanding correctly that this already works with 16.09+r782?


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Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2022, 04:47:28 am »
I think you are correct Cliff.

Last time I upgraded Librepilot version I just needed to changed the UAVO file.
I got some help here

Its a mystery to me how that UAVO file is created though :)
Maybe you can understand it better.


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Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2022, 03:15:02 am »
Most of our aircraft are the Hellaplane bimode variety with v8 of our customized Librepilot code, but I do have a quad which runs unmodified Next.
I'll help when I can.
Ironic that you should think of Lazarus as the name.
That was the name of my CG mfg and production company back in the 80s - Lazerus Productions
It came from my notoriety as LASER Rust
Back in those days I built the world's first LASER 3d full color video projector (wall sized images 25'x14') , first 3d computer generated hologram for the cover of SIGGRAPH art show catalog - among other wild and crazy machines.

Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2023, 01:22:41 am »
Hello.  Is there any news as to the progress of the new release?  I have some CC3D mini and revos I can test with.  Best for me would be if there is CRSF support as I'm setup with ELRS.  Thanks.

Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2023, 06:40:31 am »
Sorry.  Delays caused by me wanting to understand OSG Earth PFD working under Linux, but not Windows 7 on my laptops (two laptops, both dual boot Windows and Linux) and dropping the ball...

Almost all of the new stuff is already available in the current 'next' download if you would like to play with that...

Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2023, 12:16:35 am »
Thanks, that's what I've been using.  Was hoping for some additional changes.  FWIW, I've not had any issues with r782.


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  • If it will fly I will crash it.
Re: New Release "Within the next several months"
« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2023, 08:59:58 am »
That is nice to see it's still being worked on.. I am dusting off my Revo rig and will fly with it some more.
Do the best you can It's all you can do.