I've played a bit with Librepilot with a new CC3D flight controller. It is very cool. The thing is, the technology moves along in regards to flight controllers. There are newer flight controllers by Omnibus, Matek, BrainFPV and others. They are using the STM F4 and F7 microcontrollers.
The CC3D and other older technology platforms work great. But, if you reach the limits and can't find much help there are Adruplane and INAV. On Facebook, you'll find support communities. The newer technologies have built in OSDs that give you crucial flight data such as altitude, heading, distance away you're flying, RSSI, and stabilized flight modes. There is also the failsafe of "return to home" which brings your plane back when you fly out of range. The newer flight controllers have built in camera switchers which allow you to use two FPV cameras.
If your needs are simple, librepilot is more than enough. But if you are wanting to do things that Librepilot cannot do, there are alternatives.