That thread makes it look like that SBus receiver uses non-standard SBus and would need an additional hardware inverter to uninvert the SBus. Skipping the hardware inverter is done by some FC to avoid the cost of the additional inverter, and so some receivers now offer non-inverted SBus.
If you are using SBus or PPM and have it configured correctly (like not having CC3D configured for PPM when receiver is actually sending SBus), then the last thing you should be aware of is that CC3D reads the receiver at full rate, and works correctly, but only sends to GCS once a second or so because that is the default for telemetry data rate. You can set the telemetry rate higher, but do you actually need to?
If it is jittering badly and all the time, it sounds like you (the receiver) are sending one signal and have CC3D configured to read a different signal protocol.