Long pause in this project due to lack of suitable flying sites,
but now still have some time fly to okay here
Short recap:
My goal is to get a stable posistion hold and then move on to other gps flight modes.
Problem is that it toilet bowls. At least it seems that the usual two causes are not the problem; 1. mag disturbed 2. mag incorrect orientation setting.
However, I have identified a possible mag disturbance source from poorly twisted cables from LiPo to ESC, its located almost 1m away from gps unit. And it will be a rather big surgery and I don't have any new wires or soldering gear here, so just first trying to find other possible causes.
Yesterday flights
. now using a gps unit I know to work well, so the unit should not be the problem,
. now upgraded to lp 16.09 next (r735), on a Revo Nano board
. using a OPLM unit on heli for both control and telemetry and another OPLM on ground side.
. thrust control set to collective,
. Thrust stab set to AltHold that uses the baro, works like a charm,
. AttEstAlgo set to INS13, all calibration done here at new site and horizon nice and stable in PFD gadget,
I did nine test flights, each around 2 min long.
Just to point out:
. GPS solid green in all flights and at all times.
. MAG solid green in all flights and at all times.
The typical bowling looks like this:
Afterwards, I checked the logs from the last six flights (where I did PosHold) and found that each time I switched to Pos Hold (stab 4), the System Health show CPU warning and the PFD Master Caution turns red.
Like this:
Can this point to another issue/cause for bowling, other than mags disturbed or mags orientation wrong?
. Attached the log files (can ff the first 1 minute to when arming).
Flights follow same pattern, Stab1 (rate) then Stab2 (Att) then Stab3 (AltHold) then Stab4 POS HOLD (usually for 2-3 sec only).
. Attached the uav file.
Also, back in Jan, TheOtherCliff suggested to maybe reduce some PIDs in VtolPathFollowerSettings.
These are my current settings (all default):
Which ones to try and change, if any?
Thanks a lot