Thank you Cliff.
Some update here.
Spare parts arrived, installed balanced and checked as routine for Helis

All calibrations to the Nano was redone, and this time I reset to mag defaults using your post - thanks.
(both internal and external mags).
After mag calibration I placed the Heli in straight west orientation and it checked totally with my iPhone mag app.
So, I think I can trust the mag (at least at zero throttle).
Moved on to fly a straight line and check the heading readings from the GPS vs. the Mag (external used only).
I have been flying Complementary+Mag+GPSoutdoor (to avoid the cpu alarm with INS13).
The GPSPositionSensor.Heading is a compass 360 degree thing fine, however the AttitudeState.Yaw is different.
It shows 0 to 180 degrees just normal as the gps, but when passing South at 181 degrees it will show -179 degrees and then arrive at 0 degrees at 360 North. So the two are not directly comparable in one single scope diagram.
The AttitudeState.Yaw value needs to be converted in to a 360 degree scale to compare to the GPS.
Here is a 30sec flight (selection of it), starting in south pointing and then just arming, spooling up, lift off and fly some 50m to the west and land there.
It shows three curves
. the GPS heading (does not know the direction before moving)
. the Mag heading, and
. the throttle (its a straight line since using governor mode, so thx same but collective change).

Here is a table I made to compare the gps 360 values to the reported yaw values.
I just selected some timestamps and measured the values on the graph.
There might a much better way to do this by exporting the values to an excel file? anyway this is what I have now.

At the end of the table I also added on two data points from another flight where I engaged position hold.
I don't know how the code works in Position hold, Is it really important that the heading of the compass and the heading of the GPS are aligned? I would assume not, since the GPS responsibility is to report the location and the compass will determine the direction to compensate any discrepancy? So if the gps location is correct even if the head is wrong it should work?
If however their heading must align to keep PH then I think there is a big problem here.
But I dont know if its the mag or the gps that's the problem.
Any advise

I just uploaded the logfile from the flight here.