Nominal frequency at 430.000mhz with 40khz width is actually a range from 429.980 to 430.020
Transmitting on 429.980 is illegal (but OK in USA).
Same at top end where if it truly is nominal frequency of 440.000mhz then it actually is a range from 439.980 to 440.020 ... and transmitting on 440.020 with this license is illegal everywhere in the world.
Splitting 10mhz of band (from 430.000mhz to 440.000mhz) into separate 40khz channels yields exactly 250 channels, not 251.
it is like saying the band is from 10.0 to 20.0 with bandwidth of 5.0
you should have just two channels, one from 10 to 15 and another from 15 to 20:
- a channel from 10.0 to 15.0 with center at 12.5
- and another at 15.0 to 20.0 with center at 17.5
but we have 3 channels, one centered on 10, another centered on 15 and third centered on 20:
- a channel at 10.0 which is really from 7.5 to 12.5
- a channel at 15.0 which is really from 12.5 to 17.5
- a channel at 20.0 which is really from 17.5 to 22.5
I raise this because the hardware may not even allow 251 channels and that may also cause an issue. It could even be that the clone RFM22B is working correctly, but handles a presumed 251 channel setup differently than the authentic RFM22B does. I don't think this is it because I have personally tested it with it configured to avoid channels 0, 124, 125, 126, and 250.
I just wonder if you already know what goes on in the code and have an answer to this.