Oh, two steps forward and one step back today ...
Good news first
Very happy with the AltHold using AttEstAlgo basic, really!
This Heli is an align trex450L with the onboard ESC set to Governor mode, and the LibrePilot GCS set to
System - SystemsSettings, ThrustControl = Collective (not throttle)
This setting is not often around here ...
The video show that after the sudden drop of altitude its all controlled by the LP fc on AltHold with EstAttAlgo basic. Lovely, who could ask for more?
Maybe the initial drop is to adjust the setting in Settings, AltitudeHoldSettings, ThurstLimits - neutral?
This could go one forever keeping the Altitude and felt very stable.
But then I had a disconnect of the radio control channel.
This have nothing do to with barometers, but a lot to do with OPLM.
1. There is a disconnect and system goes to fail safe. Means Throttle zero and collective up 70% to let it land smooth.
2. Pilot understand the state and switch to Attitude mode (not AltHold).
3. System OPLM reconnects and resumes controls.
4. Pilot fighting to get control and land
5. Successfully land.
I am unable to locate the problem of the disconnect of the OPLM
I have attached the Config file as well as the log file from the whole flight below if anyone can spot something to change.