If your flying rate mode i would suggest trying acro+ just like rate mode but helps you more on flips and rolls inverted stuff. I have found on ratitude depending on how its set up cuts the power to the motors went your trying to flip when inverted. I noticed it once i got comfortable flipping the 360 fast. I would try to flip upside-down 180 and then would have any power to get the last 180 it would just rely on centrifugal force.
I found the same thing using Rattitude. I only tried flipping once and lost power because AWSA wasn't enabled and crashed (first crash, first broken frame).
I was planning on using the flight modes I setup for the following purposes:
Rattitude: LOS flying, the occasional flip.
Rate: FPV flying, racing, no flips
Rate+ASWA: FPV Flying, freestyle
If I change the 3rd flight mode to Acro+ w/ ASWA, what do you suggest I set the rates to? (I currently have 700 set for rate mode).
Also, what do you suggest for Acro+ factor?