One simple way to measure end to end latency is to:
- run GCS and display the video in PFD
- display on your PC screen a digital clock with milliseconds (for example:
- make sure that both the PFD and the clock are visible on your screen
- point your camera to film your PC screen to obtain a kaleidoscopic effect in the PFD and take a screen shot.
- the time difference between two consecutive frames of the kaleidoscope is your latency.
This will give you the end to end latency (but won't tell where this latency comes from).
An alternative way to measure latency is shown at the end of this video :
It is similar but requires a second camera.
Something else that can be done with the video gadget is to view the video stream *and* record it on disc.
Note that it is not (yet) possible to record the PFD overlay but only the raw video.