@Karl about recording the video: again we will start from video gadget (and then, once it works, move to PFD).
Recording can get tricky as you need to choose a container (mpeg, mp4, wmv, ...) and a codec (h264, ...). Codecs offer a lot of options that will influence quality, size of file, CPU usage and what not...
We can start with this pipeline:
ksvideosrc device-index=0 ! decodebin ! tee name=t
t. ! queue ! autovideosink
t. ! queue ! x264enc tune=zerolatency bitrate=498 ! mpegpsmux ! filesink location=capture.mpg
This pipeline will tee the video into two streams. One will be displayed and the other will be recorded to a mpeg file.
The file (capture.mpeg) should be created in the LibrePilot directory.
Note that some of the videos where not playable with Windows Media Player but worked fine with VLC.