After my Win 10 PC did a system upgrade yesterday, the video gadget do not work anymore.
This is the error message (after I press the play/start button):
setting pipeline ksvideosrc device-index=0 ! decodebin ! tee name=t
t. ! queue ! intervideosink
t. ! queue ! autovideosink
StateChange: element pipeline1 changed state from Null to Ready
StateChange: element pipeline1 changed state from Ready to Paused
NewClock : element pipeline1 has new clock GstSystemClock
Error: element ksvideosrc0 sent error event: Internal data flow error. (../../../../gstreamer-1.8.3/libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c(2948): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline1/GstKsVideoSrc:ksvideosrc0:
streaming task paused, reason not-negotiated (-4))
Error: element typefind sent error event: Stream doesn't contain enough data. (../../../gstreamer-1.8.3/plugins/elements/gsttypefindelement.c(983): gst_type_find_element_chain_do_typefinding (): /GstPipeline:pipeline1/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstTypeFindElement:typefind:
Can't typefind stream)
StateChange: element pipeline1 changed state from Paused to Ready
I really do not have a clue how to fix it, anyone?
Might add that when using the standard Win Camera app, then the video from the camera on the heli shows just fine.
kind regards