I'm having a lot of problems trying to fly in altitude mode with my quadcopter. I had a previous Revo board which was flying very well in altitude hold. With the same setup but replacing the flight controller for a new Revo, flying in altitude hold is crazy. (manual is fine)
I attach the barometer scope (ground level) which I believe it's okay. I also attach a video showing its behaviour when I enter in altitude hold:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wiJNVGD73g0PWN140jdjUmIh_uq5PX5C0g/view?usp=sharingBasically the problem is that, when I enter in this flight mode, the drone usually speeds up vertically very fast without showing any sign that will stop soon. Sometimes the behaviour is the inverse: it goes down until reaching the ground and then "bounces" a bit. One possible explanation that I thought is that it "believes" the altitude target is much higher than its actual altitude, so it tries to go up very fast to reach it. So maybe, just in the moment in which I enter in altitude mode, the barometer was reading a peak. But I also have tried to read the barometer scope while flying (with OPlink) and there aren't any "high peaks" at the moment in which I enter altitude mode, so I can't explain this behaviour. (this strange behaviour doesn't start always from the very first moment in which I enter altitude hold, sometimes it lasts some seconds before it goes up).
I also tried to grab the drone and then enter in altitude hold. Again, the drone starts pushing very strongly. Then, I put it higher, but it doesn't decrease its thrust. However, with the motors turned off, the altitude scope shows (I think well) the altitude change when I rise it 1 or 2 meters from ground. Theoretically, while doing this kind of test, should the drone increase its throttle when I put it below the target altitude and decrease it when I put the drone above that altitude?
I also tried to change the altitude PIDs, but I don't think this'll be the solution since with the same setup, the other Revo board was flying well. Can it be a faulty barometer? (But the scope seems great, very similar to the previous board). With the "Velocity Proportional" and "Velocity Integral" set to their min, I haven't seen this behaviour in a few tests that I've done. But I think that it will be like having the altitude hold disabled, right?
If my setup helps, here it is:
- 250 frame
- Revo board (with its barometer well covered by foam)
- Motors EMAX 2204 2300kv
- Simonk 12A ESC
- Battery: 3S, 25C, 1300mhA
Total weight: 580 grams