Haha thanks for sharing that. In good company then
Overkill... maybe, but have the option to prop up/down as needed, at least did some math/calculations this time.
... and yes the new load on the servos/tilt gear mechanism is a source of worry.
Not mainly because using a stronger motor (if used on current tilt design I am not so worried since its almost CG neutral and has no 'leverage' while it tilts around), but due to a new design that I think will permanently fix the CG placement shifting problem in hover respectively forward flight. A possibly negative effect of the new design is that the tilt mechanism must withstand more power than it can take.
The picture show the current design and I am just holding the new design up, its not ready.
While the current have the servo 'hanging' below the motor and the tilt point the new design have servo still below the motor but 'standing on top of' the tilt point. As an effect of this and the new 'higher' motor, the props will be spinning some 80 mm higher than currently.
Wanted, desired effects and uncertain consequences as of now:
. wanted, props spin higher above CG on y-axis to increase stability (no need move LiPo lower)
. wanted, in Hover CG should align over wing spar (center of lift, CL=Hover)
. wanted, in Hover when Pitch motor for or aft also moves CG for/aft and improves control
. wanted, in forward flight CG should move 20 mm forwards of spar to align over CL=ForwardFlight
. wanted, give room for props to spin freely without having to make 'holes' in tip of wings
. uncertain, How will this design impact where forces are applied (vectors) and what outcome?
. uncertain, Will this design increase power on servos, gears, feathering shafts (and its foundations in spar and tilt house)?
Bound to find out