To fly with autonomous flight-modes you need INS13
- To considerer using INS13, your aircraft must fly perfect in Complementary which uses just gyro and accel in Stabilized flight modes
- INS13 uses all sensors, all are required to give good data (gyro, accel, mag, baro, gps) with no exception. If one sensor gives bad data, INS13 won't work well.
Setting that all up needs some understanding what these sensors measure. For example GPS alone has 3-4 meters of error, and special sensor fusion algorithm is needed to improve position estimates. That's why all sensors are needed.
How to calibrate all sensors is described on this Calibrate both magnetometers by setting "Use both", do it ourdoors over oplink. Calibration is performed all time after initialization, NOT just when you are asked to put copter in different position. You can validate first 5 steps, rotate slowly aircraft in all directions to cover as much as possible and save.
- Set rotations for AuxMag, since every GPS can have Mag installed differently, you need to provide rotations of external Mag to match Mag on Revo.
- Use one of Scopes to display Mag and AuxMag axis (x,y,z) in time. Check if axis from internal and external magnetometer follow the same pattern when rotating aircraft. if that is the case that means rotations are set correctly.
- Finally, set Mag settings to use "Aux only" for flight
if you have done that, and
you don't have any strong magnets (gimbal, buzzer) too close to Mag in the aircraft, magnetometer should be giving good data.
For flight, all boxes in health-system (ATTI, STAB, MAG..etc) must be green all time, if that's not the case you have a problem which needs to be fixed.
You should have also verified that barometer is working. Barometer is light sensitive and must be protected from wind blows. It should show approximately 1m from min to max peak (+-0.5m) in scopes. If it's showing couple of meters, than your baro needs fixing.
GPS must be giving good data. You can go to map, right click to enable diagnostics. The red route shown on the map is the GPS raw position (green is after fusion algorithm).
If you have spikes bigger than 5 meters you should consider updating your GPS firmware or maybe you have video transmitter antenna too close.
Setting autonomous flight modes is not as easy as connecting things together, and you need to read wiki and figure out your ways how to make sure that all sensors are working correctly and are configured correctly. Especially magnetometer orientation, I am pretty sure it's nothing close to 0,0,0 for external Mag you use (just search forum how to set mag rotations as that has been answered multiple times) or refer to Wiki screenshots indicate that your rotations are not set correctly.