Hi, I know what is rattitude (thanks to some folks here at this forum) but I cant understand the meaning of the value that I insert at "MODE TRANSITION". The default is the value "80" however when my pitch/roll is at (1700) my drone already starts to get into rate mode!

The middle of roll/pitch is 1500, minimum at 1000 and maximum at 2000. I would like my quad to only get into rate mode when my roll/pitch gets over 1900 or below 1100. What value should I put into this "MODE TRANSITION" field?

I see the max value of this field is 255, so what does it mean?


  • *****
  • 4572
    • LibrePilot
The default is the value "80" however when my pitch/roll is at (1700) my drone already starts to get into rate mode!

How do you know he already switched in Rate mode ?

I see the max value of this field is 255, so what does it mean?

Close to the RattitudeModeTransition UAVO, whats the unit ?
If you want higher value, simply increase the value close to 100.
100% will result is a always in Attitude mode.

The above is already described with a Tooltip above the Mode transition field.

@f5soh I know it changed to rate mode cause when I apply 1700 in roll, the drone almost tries to flip, I rapidly move my stick to neutral at roll to avoid the quad to flip.

I think what you said is a little wrong, cause I am using the value 200 and my quad does not flip anymore at 1700 but at 1750 it starts flipping again. So I have no idea what this value in MODE TRANSISIONT means.

You said that close to the RATITTUDE MODE TRANSITION I should see a unit, right? I dont see the "unit". Please check the attached image.


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  • 4572
    • LibrePilot
Indeed sometimes i'm wrong :)

Close to the RattitudeModeTransition UAVO, whats the unit ?

Please post your config file. File > Export UAV settings...

Thank you so much sir! I exported my file as you requested. What value should I fill in the TRANSITION MODE in order to only enter rate mode below 1100 and after 1900 and also being able to make a nice flip at 1000 or 2000?


  • *****
  • 4572
    • LibrePilot
Seems you cannot get this precision for mode transition.

@f5soh thank you for saying that, I tried everything here but couldnt understand what is going on. Anyway, do you know what that value means?

If you hold 79% of full stick, the quad will be almost perfectly upside down but not flipping.
If you hole 81% of full stick, the quad will flip and flip and flip...