Put in the -10. It hovers better. The wind had picked, though, so it was hard to gauge what improvements were gained, if any. I kind of liked it when it was off 10 degrees because it was easier to keep it in forward motion without having to feed in some much forward input from the transmitter stick. Either way, it still pitches up but not as bad.
One notable thing, in the wind, it oscillated. I haven't had oscillation issues until flying today in the wind.
I'll keep working on the PID. That's got to be where the issue lies. It looks like what I need to do is borrow a laptop, take it to the park, and start from scratch, get it to oscillate in no wind, and then use the PID calculator.
I didn't know about PID adjustments until after I made the purchase, had I known...nah, I still would have made the purchase.
Any additional direction to resolve the issue is appreciated.