Automatic unbricking is currently scheduled to be part of next release (release is getting really big

@gunslinger I am confused. the resurrect 15.09 that I built for you is supposed to have the same resurrect code that fw_revolution_resurrect2.opfw has
When you come from some other brand of firmware, you will need to do SBL procedure and flash either bl_xxx.bin (bl is raw bootloader, then you must do emergency rescue procedure to add firmware) or ef_xxx.bin (entire flash, means bootloader and firmware). This is required, unless you know that the brand you came from has a bootloader that is compatible with LP/OP. I hear that the one brand that had compatible bootloader does not have it any more, so you always must use SBL procedure to switch brands.
@viperz28 I have never run across a bricked nano, but it seems possible if you enable flight side logging. FYI if you leave SBL shorted out, you will have just green. SBL must be unsoldered after the procedure. I recommend that you try SBL with ef_revonano_resurrect2_1509.bin (I attached some nano firmwares to the first post). Be aware that some versions of flashing tools don't print anything and bl files are small and thus fast to flash, but ef files are big and if the flasher looks locked up, you should give it 15 minutes and it will finish.