I saw that you are using LibrePilot 15.09 and I that you are connecting GPS. If your intention is to use flight modes that utilize GPS, you must use external magnetometer. LibrePilot 15.09 supports only external magnetometer in OP GPSv9 units (not produced anymore), be aware chinese produce OP GPS which are completely different design without mag and with cheap antenna, named like that to make money.
If you want external magnetometer required for GPS flight modes, then you must use development "next" branch of LibrePilot with preferably DJI Naza compatible GPS which I would recommend (after changing connector to JST-SH 1.0 - 4 pin).
DJI Naza compatible GPS is supported only in development branch "next".
Internal magnetometer will not work. Internal is only useful to guide you setting orientation of external mag in GCS.
Furthermore, external mag+gps combo must be mounted on a long 14-16cm mast, but not with single screw that allows rotation of mast, but with at least two. After calibration rotating mast would invalidate that calibration.
Hope that helps.
By the way map works here on "next" development branch.