Hi annabell,
I'll try to give you a set which I wold buy myself. My own set is a bit different, and loads more expensive, simply because some parts were not available when I bought it:
1st you need an FPV camera. I have best experience with RunCam TVL 600. I bought several others, but either they did not work or they broke down soon. The cam costs around € 35-50. It comes with a cable set for setup and connection to the video transmitter.
2nd you need a transmitter: I bought immersion RC, but it seems quite a few cheaper and smaller options on Ebay. I found transmitters starting at around € 15. Check the output power against your legal limitations. You should not use more power than is allowed. Even with 25mW I get a nice and stable signal, people used it up to 1.5km distance.
Try to get one without antenna in the package, because those linear antennas won't give you much fun.
3rd antenna. I would recommend an omnidirectional, circular polarized antenna for budget use. I myself have fatshark for around € 50,but it seems that the Aomway leaf clovers outperform the fatshark for half the price. A pair of the is at around € 20-25
4th I'd use a short SMA cable to connect the vtx with the antenna. My first try was to connect the antenna directly to the vtx, which resulted the vtx antenna connector breaking on the first serious crash. So better hide the vtx somewhere inside the frame and use a short cable to the antenna. Mount the antenna to your frame, never to the vtx. Such a cable is about € 2 and will spare you buying a new vtx soon.
5th a vtx receiver and visualization. there are two basic options here:
a) monitor
b) goggles
most will prefer goggles, and currently I can only give you advice on this: I would go for the Qanum FPV goggles, they are budget and seem to work pretty well. I will have a go on them some time. They are aroun € 40
6th: finally the receiver: it needs to fit to your transmitter and goggle set. So with Quanum you have more or less free choice and can start at about € 15-50.
I did not buy from banggood so far, the reports are between perfect and crap, it seems they have no quality control, so buying from them is a bit a game of luck. Thinking of the excellent prices it may be a good try. Another issue is import taxes: at some occasions I lost all the good price due to the import taxes I had to pay, combined with the fact that instead of delivery to the house I had to drive 50km to get my toys .... so meanwhile I prefer local traders, even if price is up to 20% more, because 19% is the import tax I have to pay when I buy from China or USA.
and one simple question: if possible can you use full words, it's very difficult for foreign language people like me to read this abbrevated language.