Thanks for the response.
I think I just came right
I believe the baud rate of 19 was to low, upped it to 56. Perhaps the update rate of 200ms was to much and it was leaving packets behind?
Disabled auto configure on the Revo.
I also looked at the code and did manually the following changes to the GPS with ucenter.
ubx_cfg_msg_t msg_config_ubx7[] = {
// messages to disable
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_AOPSTATUS, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_CLOCK, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_DGPS, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_POSECEF, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_SBAS, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_TIMEGPS, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_VELECEF, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_SOL, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_STATUS, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_VELNED, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_TIMEUTC, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_POSLLH, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_HW, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_HW2, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_IO, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_MSGPP, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_RXBUFF, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_RXR, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_MON, .msgID = UBX_ID_MON_TXBUF, .rate = 0 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_RXM, .msgID = UBX_ID_RXM_SVSI, .rate = 0 },
// message to enable
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_PVT, .rate = 1 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_DOP, .rate = 1 },
{ .msgClass = UBX_CLASS_NAV, .msgID = UBX_ID_NAV_SVINFO, .rate = 10 },
Plugged it in and working
Now, i have an external mag attached to the small flexi port where i saw the i2c mapping and options.
How do I use the external mag?
I recall to have read somewhere to use an external i2c mag you need the latest dev version?
See latest screenshots.
Also not I have not yet attached the mag to the UAV and also have not yet calibrated. I assume the mag status there is for the internal mag? as right now the external one is not connected.