First of all, let me say that the best advice is to use default setup until you actually understand what it is you are changing and why you need to change it. Don't just turn something on because it sounds interesting or because someone tells you to. Research it and make an informed decision.
PIDs are like a car's suspension. In a car, the suspension is factory tuned to allow the quickest response the vehicle is capable of. Not that you use hard cornering every day, but there is just zero reason to have a suspension that is tuned less than perfectly. The problem with our quads is that we are the tuners and there is no factory perfect tuning. We have to do it ourselves. Default values usually work pretty well. Cloud configs sometimes are better and sometimes worse.
Besides the tuning, there is a "maximum roll/pitch rate" and a "(rate mode) rate" and a "maximum bank angle in attitude mode". I can't tell whether your slow roll rate is because of these or because of a bad PID tuning.....
For a newbie wanting to do flips I recommend Rattitude stabilization mode on roll and pitch, AxisLock on Yaw, CruseControl on thrust.
Also: In GCS -> Configuration -> Stabilization -> Advanced (for what ever bank you need to adjust) there is a max rate, a rate and a a max bank angle (I forget exactly what they are called
). The default rate is 220 which is just too slow for flips. I recommend that you set both max rate and rate to 360 for starters. That is one flip per second. Watch a clock with second readout and imagine flips once a second. It is quick enough to get it done, but slow enough to visually track even the first time you do it.
After setting these to 360, see if the response is more acceptable. If you want Attitude / Rattitude (close to level) to have a fast rate then I recall that max rate is what you want. If you want Rate mode to have a faster rate, adjust rate, but be aware that making rate higher than max rate then rate gets limited by max rate... Acro+ uses rate at close to center stick, so you can adjust center stick for Acro+ with that. It uses Insanity Factor though for large stick positions.