I know......another throttle issue!
So i recently purchased a Kingkong hex 300 from HK. Set it up in LibrePilot and had a maiden flight today. I'm not new to multi rotors, although i'm new to using CC3D and setting it up. I had two issues today:
1. The throttle was really touchy. It was set in att,att, axis lock and manual thrust and appeared to either be ascending or hovering, it wouldn't slowly descend at any point in the throttle stick range (i set up Tx properly). To bring it down it went from a hover to throttle cut! I actually managed to bring it down my cutting throttle, adding throttle, cutting throttle adding etc and managed to land it without damage (although it was a heavy landing!).
When testing connected to GCS the throttle worked as expected in attitude mode. Wound up and constantly tried to correct itself by continuing to increase throttle. In rate mode the throttle obviously worked smoothly with no compensation and the throttle travelled well from zero to 100% with no sudden "drops". So i'm a little confused about what's going on here. I'm a little hesitant to fly in rate mode though.
I'm kind of certain i set up the escs correctly and assume that if there was an issue with them i'd have problems in rate mode anyway (correct me if im wrong).
If there was a way i could have "rate" throttle and the rest be att that'd be awesome, although i'm not sure if that's possible.
2. The hex was pitching back and forth about 5 degrees constantly. Wasn't a major issue just annoying but still needs to be fixed somehow.
I've attached my settings as a reference in anyone would be kind enough to have a look and see if they notice anything.