I used, this aux mag sensor : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/GY-282-HMC5983-Replace-HMC5883L-High-precision-High-sensitivity-Temperature-Compensation-Triaxial-Compass-IIC-SPI-Module/32333887264.html?spm=2114.13010708.0.0.K7EBD9In my opinion, is better than the stoc HMC5883L but with the expense of a port (flexi - ic2).Maybe you could give it a try if you already bought the gps without mag chip.
Hi, yes it works without any help, I saw the discussion about that, and I look closer to the PCB of the mag sensor, and I saw 2 resistors from +Vreg(3,3V) to the SDL and SCL.