Hi there, building our first drone and using a zmr 250 kit, with a flysky fs-i6 transmitter with its own receiver. There is a cc3d flight controller.
We have it all built, plugged into LibrePilot and ran through the configuration and firmware upgrades all ok. When it comes to setting up the transmitter, we have gone through the setup wizard, it shows the receiver activity however it doesn't show the corresponding movement on the diagram below. We don't have a flight mode switch on the transmitter.
After the setup wizard, setting the arming option (roll right) and saving the configuration, we are able to get all the motors to spin up as expected. We disconnect it from the computer and everything still works fine. When we then disconnect the power from the drone (main battery) and reconnect it, the drone does not respond to the transmitter, and it needs to be reconnected to the laptop and LibrePilot and the setup wizard ran again.
Does anyone have any suggestions? We bought this from unmanned tech, and so far their tech support seems unmanned.