Hi there!
I have a micro MinimOSD that does not respond to any TX/RX. It says "Waiting for MAVLink", even though my Ardupilot APM is sending out MAVLink packets in the serial connection.
I tried to reflash it (It is currently Ardupilot v2.0), but the bootloader does not respond. (Yes, DTR is connected to my original FTDI adapter, and it resets everytime i try to flash it)
At first I thought i accidentally grilled it, so I bought another one from ebay. But the new one is acting completely the same.
I uploaded a Video of a test-setup without APM trying to read the config:
Did I just hit two broken OSD's or am I doing something wrong?
I suppose it isn't able to communicate via TX/RX...
I know the possibility to flash it via the tiiiiny ISP pads. I dont think I would manage to solder them, anyway.
Does someone have any Ideas on that?