I've been flying toy/hobby-grade quads for about a year now, and finally decided to pick up my first brushless, an Eachine Racer 250.
I'm new to the whole GCS and PID tuning, so this issue could be as simple as me not knowing what I'm doing yet, but I seem to be stuck...
I was able to successfully complete both the Vehicle Setup Wizard and the Transmitter Setup Wizard, and fly the quad. It definitely needed some fine tuning (PID?).
Which is where my issue comes in... When I connect the FC to LibrePilot, and attempt to go under the Stabilization settings, the box next to "Use Basic Configuration" is checked. If I uncheck it, then under the Advanced tab at the top of the page, check the box next to "Use Advanced Configuration", and save my settings, when I go back under the Basic tab, the box next to "Use Basic Configuration" is checked again, and the box next to "Use Advanced Configuration", under the Advanced tab, is unchecked.
All of the instructions and videos I have read and watched about PID tuning, rely on the Advanced Configuration being enabled. Otherwise, the fields to enter the PID data are greyed out. Which is exactly what is happening to me.
I'm not sure why it keeps defaulting back to "Use Basic Configuraton". I'm hoping it's something simple that I missed.
Thanks in advance for your help.