I've built my first 250, here are the specs:
Frame: ZMR 250 Carbon Fiber
Motors: Emax 2204 2300KV
ESC: Emax 12A BLHeli
FC: CC3D (Mounted 90 Degrees, Yaw also changed to 90 degrees in attitude tab of GCS)
Props: Gemfan 5030
Battery: 1500 mAh 3S Battery
When I try to fly and take off with stock PID in CC3D (Roll: 0.00300, 0.00650, 0.000033; Pitch: Same as Roll; Yaw: 0.00620,0.01000, 0.000050), two problems occur:
1. Quad starts to drift left and side and slightly front side
2. With just little throttle stick input, the quad shoots in the air, lifts at high pace. When I try to compensate and lower the throttle, it bounces down very quickly. Basically it's quite impossible to make it hover, and it feels like the quad is floating
I wanted to tune the PIDs today but this behavior isn't letting me do so.
*The gyro is are okay and shows okay in LibrePilot GCS. I also give it time after plugging in battery before I arm
*The props are balanced
*The ESCs are calibrated
*There is no extra weight in one side which may cause unbalance and result in drift
*It was not so windy out there
I'm here dying with frustration. I need the help of you guys. Please enlighten me about what may be wrong so that I can correct them.