Thinking about multi-rotor concepts, a few ideas occurred to me:
Tri-copters, being inherently yaw-imbalanced due 2:1 CW/CCW rotation, use a servo to rotate the 3rd motor over to induce yaw to counter the yaw (torque) imbalance.
Would this servo be necessary if the frame had the ability to set a fixed but manually adjustable rotation from vertical on all three motors? By monitoring motor throttle levels and experimentally adjusting rotational offset, tuning for balanced motor throttle, an optimal setting could be found. Yaw could then be controlled by conventional means of varying CW/CCW induced torque balance.
Once a reasonable tilt is established, this motor tilt could be manufactured into the frame. Has anyone tried this? At a minimum it should save cost & weight.
Alternately, has anyone tried tri-copter with 2 CW : 1 CCW props where the CCW prop is a larger motor / diameter? Again, experimenting with balancing prop diameters might generate good results.
Your thoughts?