When hovering or flying level and then you bank fairly steeply, you (using Manual thrust) or the FC (when you have it configured to use CruiseControl) must increase the throttle, or the quad will loose altitude.
On the previous config setup I always had to *reduce* throttle because of climbing during banks (motors significantly increased speed) . I can't get rid of that and I just used to reduce the throttle. Now it was very surprising for me that quad perfectly maintains the same altitude during banks without touching the throttle. In the previous setup I tried flying with CruiseControl which a bit reduced that climbing but not much. But to maintain the stable altitude I had to use AltitudeVario or AltitudeHold mode. Now altitude is stable in manual throttle mode without any GPS modes in fly mode switch settings (only INS13 is selected in attitude estimation algo). I'll test it further, l wonder if in basic (complementary) mode is the same. Of course the previous setup has differ props (5x3x3, now 5x4.9x3) and motors (2204, now 2207) but I doubt this had such impact for altitude stability.
When you bank steeply, with no throttle stick change, can you actually hear the motors spin faster at the steep bank angle?
No, I can't. Now they are "quiet", no audible changes in motor rotation. Quad just gently banks and fly on the same altitude for long distance (as far I can see to safe control it). In the previous setup there was audible increase od rotation and quad increased altitude.
To be honest I'am very happy with this now but still wonder which settings (or hardware change) had impact on it.