I like to start with the defaults and tune the old school way. Change fly land change fly land change fly ect.
So I setup 3 "flight modes", all rate mode, and use the basic tab for all three. So I've got 3 banks all the same rates,expo, TPA ect. Make one bank the default and move one bank up 20-30% and one bank down the same amount. Then I fly it and see how It goes, switching between banks and see what happens. I make large changes(20-30%) in the basic tab and see what thoes values do. And keep going. Once I start to see weather I need to go up or down, I go into the advanced tab and finish tuning in that tab.
Every time I land and adjust I adjust all 3 banks up or down depending on what I need and which PID I'm working on. I keep them all no more than 20 away from each other, so like 230-250-270. And keep tuning till I'm starting to get close then I drop the number only 10 apart 240-250-260. And keep going from there. I've got a whole process, but it works. I can usually have a copter that handles pretty well in about 2-4 batteries.
I also like to start by turning the D down to 10-15 instead of whatever default is.
You kind of want to tune P and I sort of at the same time. "I" Can, and most likely will,be double or more than your P gain. After P and I feel/look good then you can start adding D back in to smooth it out and really get that locked in feel.
That's how I do it and I'm pretty pleased with the results. I've never tried the txpid or easy tune. I just researched and researched people's PIDs and tuning PIDs. Similar setups and their PIDs and eventually realized that tuning is not really that hard and just changing numbers and seeing what they do really helps you understand it better.