GPS m8n and sonar
« on: January 27, 2016, 05:39:06 pm »

I have built a couple of APM based quads but now I tried Revo.
It is exciting but I have some problem to make it fly stable.

I have try to connect a sonar (cheap HC-SR04) but I don't it works. Is this functionality implemented?

I bought a cheap clone with UBLOX M8nN GPS but when I read here on forum, I think someone wrote it only worked with UBLOX 7 and not 8? Yesterday I tried to flew it but it ended with a controlled crash in deep snow.


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Re: GPS m8n and sonar
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2016, 08:56:42 pm »
Sonar support is not implemented.

Neo8 works perfectly, autoconfigured and fully supported using Revolution board.

CC3D and Revolution are two different boards, chinese cloner just invented the "Revolution"

Re: GPS m8n and sonar
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2016, 01:39:03 am »
The clone boards are usually super thin too.
5" alien 4s 596grams with battery and GoPro FPV
Lantian LT210 4s 604grams with batt and GoPro FPV
GE X220 4s 6" 513grams with batt and HD cam FPV
Homemade acro X copter. 6" 4s - like a warpquad LOS