Thanks for the feedback!
On 200 (not OneShot) quad autotune process was smooth. Although copter is not very agile even at SmoothQuick Accessory at 100% (I set it to Accessory 1 slider). There are very minimal difference in the copter reaction between 0 and 100% slider position.
Minimal PID (smooth) Roll Pitch Yaw
P 0.00052 0.00098 0.00148
I 0.00058 0.00110 0.00134
D 0.000045 0.000085 0.000102
Max (agile) Roll Pitch Yaw
P 0.00185 0.00350 0.0042
I 0.00408 0.00773 0.00661
D 0.000080 0.000151 0.000168
The PIDs are more than tripled between smooth and quick. You should have been able to feel a difference.
I would recheck my Flight Mode Switch setup to make sure that my post tune test was using bank 2.
Also, make sure that both your PID bank 2 roll rates are as high as you want. Stock is slow and maybe you forgot to increase roll rates in bank 2.
Not OneShot... What protocol (and speed if PWM) are you using? Slow ESCs (or increasing GyroTau) will produce a slow responding tune.
Tuning of the second copter was not successful at all. With big battery (4000 mAh, 770g) it run through half of tuning process and start falling. I had to jerk throttle up to keep it flying. After two or three jerks it fall. Restart at default settings (Bank 1) was OK, it flew smooth.
With 2200 mAh batt. 700 g same copter went through autotune a bit longer but did not finish, just fell.
I have to do some more tests, I am not sure that it is autotune fault, it may be calibration or setup, or ESCs – this copter gave me headaches before too.
- In my experience, "falling" is usually caused by a bad motor wire or connector. Randomly the vibration will make the connection be open some times and then it falls because it can't stabilize, because the disabled motor goes to 100% and the other motors go to zero.
- Were any of the motors or ESCs too hot afterward?
- Also I once had a similar problem that seems to be because I was running props that were too large. I assumed it would be OK if I was just hovering but it wasn't OK.
- Also, do you use a battery voltage alarm? Be aware that autotune uses a lot of power. If you don't use a voltage alarm it may be that the battery voltage dropped so low that the ESC's reset.
Third (380) copter with Sparky 2 flight controller went through autotune without any problems. Right after original assembly, it was its maiden flight (with Sparky 2).
Results were the most impressive. Big difference between smooth and agile modes. Very fast reaction without jerks and noticeable overshoots (even in most agile form). Very good feeling to fly it.
Thanks. Good to hear.