It seems that the Main port of my Revolution board is damaged, it doesn't recognize the GPS. So I connected the GPS in the Flexi Port (GND, VCC, TX, RX), then connected the OPLink mini to my tablet with USB and everything seems to work OK with LP2Go.
However, as I have a GPS with compass, I want to try a different config: PPM+GPS in the FlexiIO port (GND, VCC, RC (5), TX (7), RX (

), and connected the Mag to the FlexiPort with I2C protocol (GND, VCC, SCL and SDA). In this case, LP2Go doesn't work in my tablet, it display a "Warning: UAVO problem: Check OPLink connection and/or try reducing the serial link speed. FC UAVO Version: 00000000. LP2Go UAVO Version: 086dc116".
I have configured the Receiver Port (PPM+GPS), USB HID Function (USB Telemetry) and FlexiPort (I2C), and FC and OPLink are properly configured with the same parameters as receiver/coordinator: Link Type: Data, Max.Chan: 250, Min Chan: 0, Max Power: 100, Com Speed: 57600.
Any help ? thank you in advance.