The only changed modules were actuator, sanitycheck, and adding mixersettings2, bimodefun, and bimodestatus - none of these last 3 are accessed by OSD.
It seems to be accessing parameters fine now, though I haven't done a flight test yet. Windy last few days.
I've upgraded 2 more of our Hellaplanes to use the bimode code - it's been a tricky getting the systems to add a 3rd switch and the camber adjust function - I need all 8 channels of input, and 8 channels of output for my Hellaplanes, and Chris needs 11 channels of output. I wanted a switch for arming - as I discovered several times when doing power off glide tests, holding the yaw stick can disarm in flight - not a fun thing to deal with. Fortunately was able to land successfully.
I realized I can use the Throttle 2 curve input selector to select an Accessory adjustment knob input, and can scale it + or -, then add it to appropriate axis functions for each mode to get the front elevon functions needed using bimode.
One minor code change I made as a consequence is the code that scales Accessory input functions on throttle2 curve was set to absolute value - I changed it to proportional, so the knob would go + or -.
I ended up using a not-completely-functioning-properly Atom FC for 6 of the servos on Chris' plane in bimode - I worked around the Ch1 problem. I though his Orangerx 920 receiver would work in PPM mode, but it turns out the V1 receivers are s.bus output - I didn't discover this till yesterday. So I can fix his to run ALL control functions from the one Revo FC. It seems the V2 are PPM output, which I have on most of my planes. The v3 versions do not support DSM2, which is what I have on my transmitter (dang) - I've ordered a DSM2/DSMX xmtr module I hope to adapt to my Futaba 9.