It is sometimes fun to make antennas. But I take your point and ordered 2 to compare against 2 other types I've also ordered.
Reloaded firmware on all devices, configured next rev on my original Hellaplane V1, calibrated, tested in basic, then tested in INS13 mode - a rare no wind day. Hovered nicely. Was getting up to 14 sats today with the DJI GPS/mag.
Then tried VR mode - oddly, it slowly rotated 180 degrees, then hovered reasonably smoothly - no pitch or roll craziness like before - no oscillations. Don't see any issues with the mag - it is showing the correct direction.
Was able to switch back to stab flying mode, transition to horizontal flight, do a short hop and land successfully.
Still working on building V3, but this was a chance to test systems before I transfer them.
One other oddity - I tried to set GPSassist on the VR mode, but it gave me a config error. It did not do that on the SK450 quad.
Any ideas why?