I'm assuming this is a Revo class FC.

I was able to get the sk450 quad working with the Ublx GPS and the onboard mag. Atti & stab seems finicky - doesn't show movement. Will ATTI & STAB be red if all the GPS flags aren't there yet? GPS would be green, but these were red. I did some recalibrating, then it worked. Saved after each step. But brought it inside and now after reboot they're red again.
If you are using INS13, then GPS must be green (including 7+ sats), GPS must have less than 3.5 PDOP, and mags must be green (and HomeLocation set) for ATTI & STAB to go green. After that, those sensors could get worse, but atti/stab will still stay green unless some sensors (mag) go really bad.
At any rate, tested in a moderate wind. Hovers fine. When I went to VR mode, it shook with the fast oscillation - more so than previously with the other GPS.
I believe that fast shake is bad sensor calibration. In VR, stationary hover, low wind, hands off no drift, do a slow yaw pirouette. Does it move around a lot? That is another sign pointing to sensor cal issues. Think of it sitting half way between where GPS wants it to be and where accel/mag leveling (unlevel) are trying to drive it. Every time the GPS sends data (4 or 5 times a second depending on GPS and settings) the GPS kicks it back to where it wants it while the bad leveling constantly drives it away.
Recall that transmitter trims should always stay where they were when you did transmitter wizard. You can test by looking at Input -> RC page with Tx on, and compare where Tx currently is vs where Neutrals are.
I do careful board and leveling cals (accels) and careful mag cal, then hover it in Basic (Complementary) Atti and trim for stationary hover (must be zero wind and even so, yaw 180 and test when pointed that way too). Use Attitude -> Settings -> RotateVirtual to get it hovering stationary. Then switch to INS13 with Atti and trim the level with Atti -> Mag -> AuxMagOrientation. This has it hovering motionless in either Basic/Atti or INS13/Atti.
https://librepilot.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LPDOC/pages/18382863/Aux+Mag+Setup+and+CalibrationHeading:Fine Tuning Your Hover To Stop Drift (Not Required)
Next has other GPS flight mode capable AttiEstAlgos besides INS13. There is one which doesn't use mag for leveling. I'm afraid I haven't used this and don't know much more.
Also, I'm holding some tilt to keep it hovering in the wind. When I switch to VR mode it does try to stay in position. But I have to hold some stick tilt to keep it there. I'm using GPSassist so it has deadband - but what happens when you switch to VR mode with the sticks off center?
If sticks are off center enough to get past deadband, then even with sticks helping a tiny amount into the wind it could drift downwind in a strong wind. That is the second VR drift issue I talked about (where? maybe in the Jira?)
JDL says VR with GPSAssist should stay put so I am confused. Maybe that is only true in next not 16.09? Do you build your own GCS? There is a trivial change to add a fixed deadband to VR. My understanding is that with either GPSAssist or with that deadband tweak it might drift a little in the wind (a few meters?) but not keep drifting.
With GPSAssist, hands off the sticks it should stay there. Touch the sticks and it could drift downwind.
The mass shouldn't have changed much at all with the different GPS. However the location of the GPS shifted from about 7 inches above the model FC to the same plane as the FC, just about 2 inches laterally.
Shouldn't make a difference unless moving the GPS puts it too close to metal or magnets.
I may try turning down the gyro settings to soften the fast oscillation.
I don't expect that to help. The full fix is recal board, level, and mags, then redo Basic/Atti trim with RotateVirtual and INS13/Atti trim with AuxMagOrientation.