Good, I present my new project of the heli 450 CopterX V2 with CC3D ATOM, I have flown heli in a traditional way, but I have not gone from stationary without crashing, in simulator many many hours with different translations and movements.
Previously I tried it with a Revo, but it gave me a lot of problems and I gave up, now I have a problem and I do not know if it is a question of configuration, or mechanical adjustment, I expose everything I have used and more or less like:
For assembly and configuration I have followed all the steps of:, including the position of the CC3D on the side of the heli, to avoid the greatest possible variations.
Everything is mechanically adjusted and the transmitter configured and calibrated, heli configuration, cyclic 120, inputs, outputs, flight modes, location and leveling, blade pitch +/- 11,0,11. Everything responds correctly, just like in flight data.
In the stabilization configuration, I do not know where to start, the truth is that I am in a big mess, everything is by default, except for something that I think I more or less understand, I attach an uav file so that you can see it better, but some advance little thing.
- in stabilization / basic / Responsiveness:
Attitude modified to 85
- in stabilization / Expert / Sensor Tuning:
Gyro Noise Filtering to 0.010 (As recommended as a start)
I have read almost all the posts about it, but I am not clear, they advise to start with someone's uav file, but I would have to configure all the settings again, and I do not get used to it
Is there a way to see the parameters of the uav without having to save them in the cc3d?
It has some vibrations altogether, I don't know if it will affect the problem that I expose below.
Well, the problem is the following, as I said before, everything works well, but being with the engine stopped, when I operate the engine, both in atti mode and in rate, in manual mode, the cyclic leans to one side and back, The more motor the more accused.
In flight data, it can be seen as if the heli was moving, but it is totally stopped on a table.
As a detail, the motor test was carried out with all the blades and propellers removed.
To see someone can lend me a hand.
Thank you.